of time, lost

Of time, lost is a collection of photographs that evoke the forgotten history contained in abandoned interiors, melancholy landscapes, and unpeopled palazzi. Working with a small point-and-shoot camera, a device which she refers to as “the pinhole of digital,” Zebrowski produces images that encompass both the fleeting present and the elusive past.” - Stephanie D’Amico, text for 2011 Art Mûr exhibition

“The artist cites poet and essayist Joseph Brodsky as having influenced her practice, pointing specifically to his collection of lyrical and philosophical writings on Venice, Watermark. Like Watermark, of time, lost hinges on the theme of reflection, focusing in particular on instances where physical and cognitive reflections coexist.”

2011, series of 17 archival inkjet prints, edition of 5

of time, lost, Art Mûr, Montréal, Québec, 2011

One Imagination, a Thousand Stories by Paule Makrous, Ciel variable, no. 89, Fall 2011

Selected for The Photo Review, 2020 Competition Web Galleries (Theme: Alone)


en passant


Unraveling, the dress of Jadwiga